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1_ verifica finale del PEI in ICF 2_ relazione finale _ Secondaria 1° 2_ relazione finale _Primaria 2_ relazione finale_ Infanzia 3_ Verbale del G.L.O. finale Guida alla compilazione delle sezioni 11 12 Verifica finale PEI Allegati 1_ verifica finale del PEI in ICF (68 kB)2_ relazione finale _ Secondaria 1° (80 kB)2_ relazione finale […]
What is Natural Language Processing NLP? Oracle United Kingdom In this section, we will explore some of the most common applications of NLP and how they are being used in various industries. Automatically generate transcripts, captions, insights and reports with intuitive software and APIs. You will get paid a percentage of all sales whether the […]
This is what image processing does too – Image recognition can categorize and identify the data in images and take appropriate action based on the context of the search. At Apriorit, we successfully implemented a system with the U-Net backbone to complement the results of a medical image segmentation solution. This approach allowed us to […]
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